Things I will NOT draw under any circumstances:

- Discriminating/hateful themes towards race, gender, sex, sexuality, religion or any other group or individual
- Themes such as sexual abuse or intense violence
- Non-consensual situations
- Imitation of other art styles

I have the right to decline any request I am not comfortable drawing, even if it's not listed above.


1. Applications
Commission applications are currently done by contacting me directly via email. Applying for a commission or a quote is always free and you won't be charged anything if I have to decline your commission.

Once I have confirmed your initial commission request, please make sure to reply in a timely manner (within a couple of work days is preferred) or I will consider your slot abandoned and will pass it to someone else.

2. Payment
Once the details of the commission have been agreed upon by both myself and the client, I will send them an invoice for the initial payment. Down payment amounts required before work will commence on the commission are as follows:
- Commissions of $100AUD or less must be paid in full.
- Commissions over $100AUD and up to $300AUD require a minimum down payment of 50% of the full amount.
- Commissions over $300AUD require a minimum down payment of 30% of the full amount.

In the case of commissions over $300AUD, a second down payment of 30% (of the full amount) must be paid upon completion of the line art stage. I won't continue working on the commission further past this stage until this second invoice has been paid. Each payment must be completed in full within 14 days. This 2 weeks is not counted in commission turnaround times.

The client will not receive the unwatermarked full resolution version of their commission until the full payment has been completed. If the client doesn't complete the payment within the agreed timeframe, I retain all permissions to the commissioned artwork and its future use and application.

Payment is usually done via PayPal invoice, so please keep that in mind while applying for a commission. Those who have a bank account registered in Australia can usually pay via bank transfer invoice if they wish so.

3. Timeframe
You can usually expect your commission to be finished within 4 weeks of my commencement of the work, unless agreed otherwise. The wait time might vary based on queue and complexity of the commissioned artwork. Expedited jobs will incur additional fees, to be agreed upon on a case by case basis. For the artwork to be delivered in a timely manner, I expect smooth communication. I am not responsible for delays caused by delayed communication from the client's behalf.

4. Delivery
The client will receive the completed digital product via Google Drive link delivered by e-mail once the commission has been approved and payment has been completed in full. An unwatermarked high resolution version as well as any requested resized versions will be provided. The client will be responsible for storing the product on their devices. I will usually delete the working files eventually, so edits past this point can't be done.


You must be over 18 years old to commission me and I retain the right to ask you to legally confirm your age.

All information concerning the commission will be discussed over my private business email with no third parties involved. I will temporarily store the client's contact information (name and email address) and PayPal address that will be used for the invoice in my private email that can be only viewed and accessed by me. Receipts of the transaction details will be stored securely for at least five following years according to the Australian Income Tax Assessment Act (ITAA 1936) and will be accessed by me and my legally hired accountant.

​The clients may have their identity hidden if they wish so. If you don’t want your name or handle to be used with the commissioned work, please let me know that in your initial request if possible as I will usually upload the work in my galleries soon after completion. This mainly applies to online handles which is what I primarily ask you for character credit, real names will never be shared by default but can be done if requested.

​I may delay uploading the work online if the client wishes so (if the artwork is a gift to someone for a specific date, for example). By default, I have the right to eventually post my artwork online. If the client of a private commission doesn't want the artwork to be posted online, a compensation fee of 20% is required.


As the creator of the artwork, I retain the copyright to my work and have the right to showcase it in my online galleries, social media platforms, portfolio, Patreon etc. You are not allowed to reproduce or edit the commissioned piece for profitable purposes of any form without my agreement. However, you may upload the commissioned artwork online for personal use as long as there won't be misuse of copyrights and/or I will be credited as the artist. Editing my art on behalf of the client or anyone else is not permitted without my agreement (doesn't include cropping or resizing for personal use).


My commission types include multiple updates of the different stages of the commissioned work that will be sent to the client via email, if not stated otherwise. Please request changes to the commission as soon as you can. I am authorized to charge an extra fee for any major changes later in the process if the part involving the edit has been present in the earlier WIPs and thus could have been made in the earlier stages. Any errors on my part such as incorrect character details that are clearly depicted in the reference material will be fixed without any additional cost. Edits on the sketch stage are free but I can ask for a compensation fee for major edits that aren't included in the briefing. All commission prices include 3 revisions in the sketch stage.

I will remove the working files eventually, so when receiving the completed work, please make sure to look over the artwork before approving it.


Naturally, my work is always bound to my current level of skills, so doing my best is all I can and strive to do with every commissioned artwork. Up-to-date examples of the quality of my work are displayed on my website and revisions can be made upon request during the commission process, so I won't do refunds if the client wants to cancel the commission once the work is either finished or at the final rendering stage.

However, the client is entitled for a refund if artwork hasn't been completed within the timeframe they have agreed with. The estimated completion time will be agreed with the client via their preferred communication platform.

If the client desires to cancel a commission that has already been worked on but has not been finished, a partial refund can be made and I will retain compensation for the work that has been made so far. In the circumstance where I have to cancel the commission for some reason, the client will receive a full refund.

The amount of refund (full or partial) will be discussed individually in agreement with the client. If you wish to receive a refund that you're entitled to according to my Terms of Service, please let me know via email!